
The following statement was agreed at the Parish Council Meeting on 21st February 2024:

Following the receipt of updated information from Councillor Waite relating to changes in the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) and the progress of the new Bucks Plan, the Parish Council has conducted a review and confirms that the current neighbourhood plan remains both relevant and effective until 2033.  This assessment has reinforced our position that there is no immediate necessity for a review this year. The plan’s robustness in protecting and managing the development and conservation of the village, within its established boundaries, has been validated. It aligns with the latest guidelines and continues to fulfil the community’s needs and expectations.

Therefore, the Parish Council has decided to maintain and enforce the existing neighbourhood plan, ensuring the village retains its character and integrity. We will also remain flexible, returning to update the plan as and when needed,  guided by the evolving needs of our community and external advice. This proactive approach ensures that our plan stays adaptive and responsive, safeguarding the village’s future while fostering appropriate sustainable development.

Review 2023

The Waddesdon Neighbourhood Plan 2013-2033 was ‘Made’ in October 2017, following a referendum at which an overwhelming 94% of residents voted ‘YES’!

Neighbourhood Plans for Buckinghamshire can be found on the Bucks Council website here: Bucks Neighbourhood Plans with a link to the Waddesdon Neighbourhood plan.

Our Neighbourhood Plan has been a success, with its positive vision:

  • Carefully manage growth to protect rural nature of the village, surrounding open countryside, unique heritage
    and character
  • Ensure Waddesdon remains a thriving village

And clear objectives:

  • Minimise local traffic congestion
  • Encourage walking to village centre and to school
  • Avoid harm to heritage assets
  • Avoid disruption to sensitive landscape & key views

To meet these objectives, the preferred direction of growth for the village is to the East, which is consistent with historic development. In addition, a site for 75 new homes to the East of the village has been allocated, to meet housing needs.

Main planning policies in the Neighbourhood Plan include:

  • Establishment of a Settlement Boundary to protect the surrounding countryside
  • Designation of Local Green Spaces, to maintain their benefits for village residents
  • Protection for key views in/out of the village, buildings of local note, community & commercial/employment facilities, green infrastructure
  • Requirements for new developments to address traffic/parking needs & to meet high design standards

Why review it now?

  • It is now over 5 years since the Plan was ‘Made’
  • Buckinghamshire Council has replaced AVDC as our local planning authority
  • Buckinghamshire Council is developing its Local Plan through 2040
  • National planning policies are being revised
  • Waddesdon’s renewed Neighbourhood Plan will aim to meet updated requirements

Our approach to reviewing Waddesdon’s Neighbourhood Plan is to:

  • build on our previous experience:
    • Prior Steering Group members remain
    • The same consultant has been employed once again
  • retain the Neighbourhood Plan’s vision & spatial objectives
  • incorporate new priorities, such as environmental responsibility & sustainable development
  • update housing need through 2040 & determine how to meet it

Please feel free to get in touch – the Waddesdon Neighbourhood Plan is your plan!

You can contact us via email: [email protected]


