Buckinghamshire Council consult us on most planning applications
Planning applications are considered within the deadline set by Buckinghamshire Council either at a monthly meeting or a specifically called Planning Committee meeting.
Agendas for these meetings set out which applications are being considered for comment by the Parish Council and are published on this website as well as the noticeboards in the village.
The Parish Council has no authority over the final decision and can only make a comment to either support, remain neutral or object to the application.
We can only comment on “Material Considerations” such as:-
Overlooking/loss of privacy
Loss of light or overshadowing
Highway safety
Effect on listed building and conservation area
Layout and density of the building
Design, appearance and materials
Government policy
Disabled persons’ access
Proposals in the Development Plan
Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)
Nature conservation
If you have any objections, we strongly advise that you make your comments known to Buckinghamshire Council by either writing to them or by commenting on the application directly via the Planning Portal.
For Pre-Planning Applications please see our guidance document.
A summary of the main changes brought in by the updated NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) can be found in this document from our planning support partner Oneill Homer.
Parish and Town Councils with housing site allocation in their Neighbourhood Plans should note the commentary in this document on the Government’s new stance on how NPPF §14(b) will be applied in the future. This changes previous advice (from Buckinghamshire Unitary and from most LPAs) and so may need to a new approach in their new or reviewed NPs, if they are not located in policy areas (e.g. Green Belt, AONB) to which the ‘tilted balance’ of NPPF §11 does not apply (and therefore where there is no need for the benefit of §14).
Current Planning Applications under consideration by Buckinghamshire Council’s Planning Department (this is not a definitive list – always refer to Buckinghamshire Council’s website for correct status):