
Buckinghamshire Council consult us on most planning applications

Planning applications are considered within the deadline set by Buckinghamshire Council either at a monthly meeting or a specifically called Planning Committee meeting.

Agendas for these meetings set out which applications are being considered for comment by the Parish Council and are published on this website as well as the noticeboards in the village.

The Parish Council has no authority over the final decision and can only make a comment to either support, remain neutral or object to the application.

Plan App

We can only comment on “Material Considerations” such as:-

  • Overlooking/loss of privacy

  • Loss of light or overshadowing

  • Parking

  • Highway safety

  • Traffic

  • Noise

  • Effect on listed building and conservation area

  • Layout and density of the building

  • Design, appearance and materials

  • Government policy

  • Disabled persons’ access

  • Proposals in the Development Plan

  • Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)

  • Nature conservation

If you have any objections, we strongly advise that you make your comments known to Buckinghamshire Council by either writing to them or by commenting on the application directly via the Planning Portal.

For Pre-Planning Applications please see our guidance document.

A summary of the main changes brought in by the updated NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) can be found in this  document from our planning support partner Oneill Homer.

Parish and Town Councils with housing site allocation in their Neighbourhood Plans should note the commentary in this document on the Government’s new stance on how NPPF §14(b) will be applied in the future. This changes previous advice (from Buckinghamshire Unitary and from most LPAs) and so may need to a new approach in their new or reviewed NPs, if they are not located in policy areas (e.g. Green Belt, AONB) to which the ‘tilted balance’ of NPPF §11 does not apply (and therefore where there is no need for the benefit of §14).

Current Planning Applications under consideration by Buckinghamshire Council’s Planning Department (this is not a definitive list – always refer to Buckinghamshire Council’s website for correct status):

24/02650/APP - 7 Quainton Road, Waddesdon

Date: 09/09/2024
Summary: Householder application for single storey rear extension
Response: 24/09/2024 No comment from WPC

23/03716/APP - Warmstone House, Warmstone Lane, Waddesdon, HP18 0NF

Date: 01/08/2024
Summary: Householder application for single storey extensions to side and rear with glazed entrance canopy and rooflights. Alterations to permitted loft conversion layout with new rooflight. Internal ....
Response: 15/08/24 WPC supports the granting of planning permission for the proposed works, subject to ... (see minutes for full comments). 11/09/2024 Householder Approved (BC)

23/03717/ALB - Warmstone House, Warmstone Lane, Waddesdon, HP18 0NF

Date: 01/08/2024
Summary: Listed building consent for a single storey extensions to side and rear with glazed entrance canopy and rooflights. Alterations to permitted loft conversion layout with new rooflight. Internal ....
Response: 11/09/2024 Listed Building Consent granted by BC

24/02075/APP - Flat 1, 30 High Street, Waddesdon, HP18 0JA

Date: 17/07/2024
Summary: Householder application for new access ( Retrospective )
Response: 14/8 The proposal does not align with the policies of the NPPF or the Waddesdon Neighbourhood Plan and would result in harm to the local area, its residents, and the character of the Conservation Area

24/02103/APP - 3 Rose Terrace, Baker Street, Waddesdon HP18 0LD

Date: 17/07/2024
Summary: Householder application for wrap around ground floor extension, enclosed porch, 1st floor extension over garage and reconfiguration of dormer
Response: 14/8/24 The Parish Council raises no objection to this application, provided the above considerations are addressed and managed appropriately (see Sept minutes for full comments). 10/9/24 BC approved.

24/01824/ATN - EASTBOUND GRASS VERGE A41 Warmstone Layby, Waddesdon, Buckinghamshire

Date: 21/06/2024
Summary: Proposed installation of a 20m slimline streetworks monopole, supporting 3no. antennas, 2no. 0.3m transmission dishes, 3no. equipment cabinets and ancillary development thereto
Response: 17/07/2024 No comment from WPC

24/01550/ALB - Waddesdon Manor, Silk Street, Waddesdon HP18 0JH

Date: 22/05/2024
Summary: Listed building application for Installation of air conditioning outdoor unit
Response: 26/06/24 No comment from PC. 03/07/2024 Listed Building Consent.

24/01549/APP - Waddesdon Manor, Silk Street, Waddesdon Buckinghamshire HP18 0JH

Date: 22/05/224
Summary: Installation of air conditioning outdoor unit
Response: 26/06/24 No comment from PC. 03/07/2024 approved by Bucks Council.

24/01345/APP - 15 Frederick Street, Waddesdon, HP18 0LU

Date: 02/05/2024
Summary: Householder application for single storey rear extension
Response: Waddesdon Parish Council has no comments to make. 15/06/2024 approved by Bucks Council.

24/01337/APP - 2 Upper Blackgrove Farm Cottages, Berryfields HP22 4AD

Date: 01/05/2024
Summary: Householder application for front porch with canopy. Single storey rear and two storey side extensions.
Response: 20/5/24 No comments from WPC. 26/06/2024 Approved by Bucks Council.

24/01226/APP - 47A Baker Street, Waddesdon HP18 0LG

Date: 19/04/2024
Summary: Householder application for two storey side extension and front porch
Response: WPC comment: Suggest side door glass is frosted. Bucks Council approved 7/6/24.

24/00201/APP - The Paddocks Farm, Oving Road, Quainton HP22 4FW

Date: 18/01/2024
Summary: Erection of agricultural building to be used as a lambing shed and for the storage of hay, feed agricultural machinery and equipment, with further ancillary storage within the roof space
Response: 12/02/2024 No comment from PC. 18/05/2024 Approved by Bucks Council.

23/04006/ALB - The Long Dog PH, High Street, Waddesdon, HP18 0JF

Date: 03/01/2024
Summary: Listed building application for remove damaged and UPVC windows and replace with new casement windows. Internal alterations.
Response: 17/01/2024 WPC supports this application (09/03/2024 Listed Building Consent)

23/03824/APP - 2 Little Britain, Waddesdon, HP18 0XA

Date: 12/12/2023
Summary: Householder application for first floor side extension with front dormer and rear roof light
Response: No comment from PC (17/01/2024 approved)

23/03716/APP - Warmstone House, Warmstone Lane, Waddesdon HP18 0NF

Date: 01/12/2023
Summary: Householder application for single storey extensions to side and rear, glazed entrance canopy, pyramid lantern and solar panels to south elevation roof. Part loft conversion with new roof light.
Response: No comment from PC

23/03717/ALB - Warmstone House, Warmstone Lane, Waddesdon HP18 0NF

Date: 01/12/2023
Summary: Listed building application for single storey extensions to side and rear, glazed entrance canopy, pyramid lantern and solar panels to south elevation roof. Part loft conversion with new roof light.
Response: No comment from PC

23/03197/APP - 2 Upper Blackgrove Farm Cottages, Berryfields HP22 4AD

Date: 27/10/2023
Summary: Householder application for part first floor part two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, front porch and canopy
Response: No comment from PC (5/12/2023 Approved)

23/03179/APP - 5 Warmstone Close, Waddesdon, HP18 0NR

Date: 26/10/2023
Summary: Householder application for single storey side and rear extension
Response: No comment from PC (5/12/2023 Householder approved)

23/02481/APP - Waddesdon Church of England School, School Lane, HP18 0LQ

Date: 16/08/2023
Summary: Erection of two storey sixth form centre with a single storey auditorium including external landscaping
Response: No comment

23/02372/APP - 92 High Street, Waddesdon

Date: 09/08/2023
Summary: Single storey rear extension. Change of use of part ground floor from residential to Café, amendments to front fenestration.
Response: No comment from PC (19/12/2023 Approved)